
by Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci



Studies at your fingertips.

UPlikace is the official mobile app for students and teachers of Palacký University in Olomouc. UPlikace gives you detailed overview of your studies including a well-arranged timetable, exam date schedule or interactive map of Olomouc. You can enroll or unenroll from at exam date anytime. Also, you will get a notification once exam result is published in STAG or even when there is a vacant spot within an exam date.UPLIKACE FEATURES● view of all enrolled courses and information about them (syllables, annotations, teachers),● well-arranged timetable with courses and exam dates including subject currently in progress,● information screen regarding ongoing and following actions,● progress of studies with summary of pre-exam and exam results,● list of all the exam dates for easy scheduling of the exam period,● enrolling to an exam date and unenrolling from an exam date option,● interactive map of Olomouc including highlighted university buildings,● immediate information regarding new exam result in STAG,● new exam date notification● newly vacant spot within an exam date notification● exam date enrol and cancel deadlines and enrolment start notifications● 2 widgets on home screen: next timetable action widget and today timetable widget● theses list and notification to theses reviews● news list from several academic sources● for teachers there are overwiew with ongoing and following actions, courses list, timetable and exam dates.RATE UPLIKACEIf you like the UPlikace, we would really appreciate 5* rating. If you are not satisfied with the app, e-mail us or give us feedback using UPlikace. Thank you :)Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/UPlikace/Do you want do discuss about upcoming features and have possibility to download non-public test version? Then become a beta tester on https://goo.gl/forms/jXPyd9kkNkRwfCnT23.15.0 (30.3.2022)In case of comments, use "Send feedback" please. Thank you!• Fixed bugs.

Read trusted reviews from application customers

Super, usefull

Gokhan Bacik

Od nového semestru se mi nezobrazoval rozvrh. Nepomohla synchronizace se STAG takže jsem aplikaci odinstaloval a znovu nainstaloval a už se nemůžu ani přihlásit.

Vojtulee M.

It is user friendly and helpfull, but it can be better in futue.

mohamadreza mehranpour

Aplikace mi padá hned po přihlášení

Zuzana Václavková

Very useful app for UPOL students. Highly recommended!

Alex Lee

Nejlepší univerzitní aplikace i pro studenty doktorských programů, kterým umožňuje stáhnout rozvrh studia i vlastní výuky. Dík moc.

Ondřej Kazík

Useful app

danukasadakalumkulathilaka sammu

Radši nic

Pavlík Vrbík punkybike

Nepřehledný rozvrh, každopádně super možnosti, hlídání termínů, upozornění před přednáškou, cvičením či seminářem a další

Daniel Klement

its great

Muhammed Salih